Friday, April 1, 2011

Toddler of the Month

My precious baby boy, Tasker Brett, is April student of the month in his classroom at the Weekday School. His teachers asked me to write a little blurb to put in the hallway with his pictures. He makes me so happy, I couldn't help but share.

Our sweet Tasker Brett is a busy little man. Though we're not certain he loves anything more than sucking his thumb and poking his belly button, we're pretty sure he enjoys other things too. If the weather is nice, then you'll likely find him outside cruising the yard on his Buzz Lightyear power wheels. No matter where we are though, Tasker Brett is almost always just two steps behind his big brother Connor, or chasing our wonderfully easy-going dogs, Diego and Nico. And nine times out of ten, he has a book in one hand and a snack in the other. He loves Maisy and dancing too. Currently, his favorite words are: no, mine, and bite. We're hoping this list will evolve, just like we're hoping one day little man will find other uses for his thumb and understand that his belly button really doesn't serve a purpose--and that's okay. But for now, while we're patiently waiting to see just who Tasker Brett will become, we are thrilled to enjoy all the smiles, kisses, stories, and even the crumbs. There could be no better way to pass the time.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I was just angry, now I'm just angry with myself. Why do I feel most compelled to write when I'm upset? I'll see something, I'll hear or experience something, and it might have a chance to filter through before I am consumed by a desire to put my little fingers to work on the keyboard... or it might not.

Right now, I'm dealing with crappy neighbors. No, nothing new, but events seem to come in waves. And the past couple of weeks have been a bit rough. I mean, one guy thought he could park his four-door extended cab long bed pick up with a trailer in our front yard. Yep. Really. In our front yard. This in addition to the menacing stares, mind you. And later, muttered curse words. Grrrrrrr.

I always tell Connor that no person can make him feel a certain way, that only he is in charge of his emotions. But darn it, it sure is easier said than done. I catch myself thinking, "They make me so mad!" And then I realize I'm only letting myself become angry. And then I realize I want to write (probably because I'm angry) and then before I know it, I'm angry because I'm writing because I'm angry. I'm feeling the If You Give a Pig a Pancake motif at work here, but my version is not nearly as cute or entertaining. My next post will not be a rant. Promise.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

I almost peed my pants

After publishing my last post, I moseyed on over to Nathan Bransford's blog (no longer a literary agent, I've just noticed) where today's topic concerns writing decent blog comments. I do believe the planets are in line this evening. If you're interested, Bransford share some valuable advice here.

no resolutions here

Yes, I know it has been six months since my last post. I also know how terribly annoying bloggers' excuses can be: "OMG! I can't believe I haven't blogged in like half a year!" and "I promise I will never again go that long without posting!" I am apologetic, but I won't make excuses or promises. I recently explained to a friend my reluctance to comment on the blogs of folks I don't know personally. The part that involves putting myself out there, in another person's space, for the whole world to come across makes me a wee bit anxious. I mean, every blogger dreams about an audience, but the reality of new subscribers checking in is a bit nerve wracking. Erin, (you can find her over here) suggested that contributing to others' blogging communities is a wonderful way for me to hold myself accountable for keeping things rolling in my own space. You know, sort of like: Keep your house clean--you never know who might pop in for a visit. As I'm sure you've already noticed, a little accountability might not be such a bad idea--it's only been six months. Check back in to see if I've worked up the nerve. I mean...I don't want to be a lurker forever.