Thursday, January 6, 2011

no resolutions here

Yes, I know it has been six months since my last post. I also know how terribly annoying bloggers' excuses can be: "OMG! I can't believe I haven't blogged in like half a year!" and "I promise I will never again go that long without posting!" I am apologetic, but I won't make excuses or promises. I recently explained to a friend my reluctance to comment on the blogs of folks I don't know personally. The part that involves putting myself out there, in another person's space, for the whole world to come across makes me a wee bit anxious. I mean, every blogger dreams about an audience, but the reality of new subscribers checking in is a bit nerve wracking. Erin, (you can find her over here) suggested that contributing to others' blogging communities is a wonderful way for me to hold myself accountable for keeping things rolling in my own space. You know, sort of like: Keep your house clean--you never know who might pop in for a visit. As I'm sure you've already noticed, a little accountability might not be such a bad idea--it's only been six months. Check back in to see if I've worked up the nerve. I mean...I don't want to be a lurker forever.

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