Sunday, May 9, 2010

My kind of day...

What a weekend, what a weekend! Andrew and I went to bed Friday evening promising each other we would definitely have dinner together (minus little boys) Saturday night. So many weekends we make plans, then wave them off when we feel we're too tired or there's just been a lot going on. But the truth is, there is nothing more important than keeping that alone time as part of our routine, especially when things get crazy.

So Saturday morning Drew went off to do his thing and I decided to clean the house. At about 10:30, I hear Connor screaming like I've never heard him scream before. I'm thinking something is horribly wrong. Our conversation went something like this:

Connor (wailing in absolute terror): Mama, Mama! I did something so, so bad. Please don't be mad at me! Please, please, please!
Me (puzzled and thinking, wow, he must have a really great conscience): Well, Connor, what's wrong? What exactly did you do?
Connor: I did a bad thing. I put the tissue in the candle in the bathroom.
Me (hesitantly moving toward the bathroom): Okay, Connor. Calm down.

I proceed to stick my head into Connor's bathroom only to find the contents of his waste basket engulfed in flames. I survey the situation and decide, without thinking, that I have to do something. I pick up the plastic bin, throw it into the bathtub, and turn the faucet to on. All the while, ashes are flying into my hair and face. I look around to find black chunks of debris all over the tub and floor. But, the fire is out.

After I successfully extinguish the flames, I find Connor crying on his bed with a burnt little thumb. My heart immediately broke for him. I had never seen him so sad and scared, and on top of those horrible feelings, he was hurt, too. I hugged him, put some aloe on his thumb, and of course, followed up with a very long talk about candles and fire safety.

Ten minutes later the phone rang.

Drew: So, I've got some bad news.
Me: Oh, great. What now?
Drew (so calm, cool, and collected): Well, I guess I didn't fully engage my e-brake and the jeep ran into another car. Uh, safest accident I've ever been in. I wasn't even in the car.
Me: Are you kidding me?

Seriously, if it can happen, it will happen to us and all of it will happen in the same day! Aren't we lucky?

Well, the day goes on without event and just as we're walking out the door to go eat, we get a call that Andrew's poor grandmother has had to make a visit to the emergency room. Of course, we head that way, too.

And, at nine o'clock when I was starving and ill about all of the events of the day, I was thinking, forget the date, let's just go to bed and pray tomorrow's better. But, Andrew, being the level-headed one (he didn't even get excited when his driver-less Jeep hit a car) reminded me that we both had to eat anyway and couldn't let life get in the way. It's so true, sometimes we just need to clear our heads, eat, and simply be together. Whether plans go as expected or not, an evening when we stop to appreciate and enjoy the company of one another is almost always perfect.

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