Sunday, April 18, 2010

Princesses don't poop on the playground

What do you do when a three-year-old relieves herself in an outdoor play area while at least twenty other youngsters run circles around the pole she has smeared with her poop? You cry for help, that's what you do! And then, after the hustle and bustle of gloving-up, pitchforking poop over the fence, and wiping down the unfortunate victims of the incident, you ask yourself why in the world anyone would want to poop on the playground.

When you're unable to envision a satisfying justification, you ask the pooper herself, in all her glory. When she doesn't have an answer either, you ask her friends. It is in an attempt to unearth the truth (not exactly consistent with unearthing poop, but close) that you encounter the extensiveness of peer pressure on the preschool playground.

Luckily, one little girl is willing to step up and make her voice heard. She's not afraid of ostracism from her crowd. For her, the answer is simple as she boldly proclaims, "They tried to get me to do it, but I told them, 'Princesses don't poop on the playground.'"

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